Saturday, February 9, 2008


Merideth had a "hometown session" on Friday afternoon. It was a perfect day and we had so much fun! We even found a few new awesome locations.

Merideth plans to continue dancing after graduation, and I know she will go far - she's goregeous and a beautiful dancer. - good luck to you Merideth!!
My oldest daughter - Kyra - helped me choose images for the blog tonight ~ she now "wants to be Merideth!" :)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Valentine cuties!!

NEW site is LIVE!!!

Finally! The new website is LIVE! Check it out and let me know what you think :)


Meet Laney! She is the little sister of Jolyon who has been featured on several of my marketing pieces - most recently the Santa Limited Edition...precious blue eyed blonde.

I'm hoping I'll get to photography Laney just as often (even though they live 4 or 5 hours away!)

Here's Laney's - isn't she a doll!!

Tracey Ivy Photography News

Welcome to our blog! I am excited to have a place to share what's going on at Tracey Ivy Photography! Visit often to see recent sessions, current specials, and upcoming events.

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Lifestyle photography - turning images of you into art on your walls. Located in Orleans Square - 18321 West Lake Houston Pkw #300, Humble, TX 77346